St. Paul's Charlestown is one of the 14 parishes that make up Saint Kitts and Nevis. Located on the island of Nevis, the municipal capital is Charlestown, which is also the capital of the entire island.

Charlestown is the smallest district in the Commonwealth, with an area of ​​only around 4 square kilometres. It is the most important parish in Nevis and the second most important in the nation. As the capital's home, it's home to all of Nevis' government buildings, as well as many of the island's historic sites.

Charlestown grew from a coastal settlement known as "Red Store House" to the economical port and town name after the reigning monarch King Charles II around 1671 circa. in the 1700s Charlestown became the home and business spot for different groups in society: polyglot, political and religious exiles, aristocrats, rebels, tradesmen and Sephardim. The Jews made up 25% of the town's population, they had introduced sugar cane plants and technology from Pernambuco, Brazil to the Caribbean and were active in both plantation and commercial life until the mid 1700s when they migrated from the island.


St. Paul's PArish
St. Paul's PArish