Bath Hotel, House and Springs

First Hotel in the New World

Built by John Huggins in 1778 for £40,000-43,000, today's purchasing power is around £8,386,965.35 ($28,664,461.24 XCD). The hotel accommodated 50 guests and made use of the sulfur hot springs provided. The hot water is effective for various diseases such as rheumatism and gout.

The hotel was spacious and well built, 200 feet long and 100 feet wide. Over several floors, it has a ballroom and grand dining room, and a garden that was often compared to one of the ancient wonders of the world, the 'Gardens of Babylon', with a goldfish pond, stables and a wine cellar.

As of March 2021, the hotel and bathhouse grounds are government-owned and registered in the name of the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation, the corporation that owns the land on behalf of the Nevis Island Authority. The hotel is currently closed (May 2022) for emergency renovations and preservation, but the hot springs are open to the public.